Re: COPS reporting unrestricted NFS exports under Linux

Mr Martin J Hargreaves (
Fri, 3 Mar 1995 23:27:10 +0000 (GMT)

On Fri, 3 Mar 1995, Karl Strickland wrote:

> > ObBug Well maybe, the default /etc/exports (and most of the other 
> > networking files) start with a #.
> what would you rather it started with, a : ?

	I'd rather it started with a valid line, I think having a second 
commented copy of all the config files in /etc and letting the programs 
parse a copy with _no_ comments is only marginally more hassle (at least 
for small numbers of hosts).

	I think this list has discussed the problems with having a hash 
as the first character in /etc/hosts.equiv before. This is the standard 
setup for Linux networking software. 


PS. This said I use Linux, and heartily recommend it.

| Martin Hargreaves, 		  |
| Undergraduate Computational Chemist    		       |
| WWW Server Admin       |